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South Carolina House Votes and Confederate Flag Comes Down

The South Carolina House has finally come to a decision on whether or not the Confederate Flag that is raised high in South Carolina should be removed or remain on the grounds. Over the past few weeks, there has been protestors on several sides of the story. Supporters, say that the flag stands for heritage and non-supporters say that it stands for hate. There was no mutual agreement on the flag, so the State House Voted and the flag comes down.

Hopefully, this is a positive to the people & communities in our country that there are individuals in the U.S. and high positions, that do in fact believe in equality. Yes, we still live in a land where many are hateful against other races and use their race & wealth to excel while some are left to struggle. However, there are many that do not agree with race wars and all of the other evils that have been stirring in our country. By taking the flag down, it should bring us at least one step closer to becoming a more unified country. Especially after the Shooting of the 9 Members of the A.M.E. Congregation in Charlotte, SC. The flag would have continually sent a notion of hate to other races (specifically african american), making it hard and maybe impossible for the people to move past the Hate. The removal should help in an effort of bringing us a Country together. Our pledge says, One Nation, Under God. Not, one race under God. With so many wars going on, a race war in the United States was FAR from what was needed and the House agrees, therefore reminding us, that we ARE equal and we all have rights to be Free...

Remember, success will begin with one person making up their mind to get up and start on the correct path, leading us to far greater that what we see today. We as a nation will never be free according to the world's standards, however, no one ever can hold your mind hostage/captive. Change begins with the way we think. If you are lookinig for absolute freedom, that will come from releasing the chains around the way we think.

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