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Actress; Comedian, Monique, pleads for fans to Boycott Netflix

Comedian and actress, Monique, has been in quite the controversaries the past few years. From being one of, if not The Top comedians and actresses in Hollywood, the actress now has to argue her worth within the industry, sighting there is bias within the industry. This time color and gender bias the actress states.

Now although it has been rumored that Monique was blacklisted from the industry by Tyler Perry, Oprah and Empire writer, Lee Daniels, the star is able to receive booking requests, however, the funds does not match her resume, the actress says.

Why boycott Netflix? Recently Monique was given an offer by the exploding online movie company, which is great, but the offer was very low compared to stars like, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle and Amy Schumer, who were offered millions for a netflix special. However, although the actress has done as much as the other stars, Netflix simply offered her $500k to complete a special.

Now from the looks of things it looks like Netflix felt as though they were doing the star a favor by even offering the special because when called out or asked why such the difference in pay, Netflix pulled out altogether. Not before lawyering up however.

As we all know, Monique does not take any blows laying down, she has began asking people to boycott and has done interviews with those closest to her to share the story. She says, the fight is not about her, but about all of the other stars to come behind her.

Surprising to say, there has been a great response, but it has been mixed as many are saying they are not jumping on the #BoycottNetflix bandwagon with Monique.

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